Friday, 28 July 2017

So I recieved a Liebster Award! 

So I hear you asking, what even is that? Well I had not even heard of it until I got nominated by the wonderful @BryBlogs (who's blog is incredible and you should check it out at

The Liebster award is basically where other bloggers nominate each other for their work on their blogs! Which in turn promotes and helps everyone in the blogger community get recognized!

So the rules for this challenge are:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions that were asked by the blogger
3. Nominate another 11 new bloggers for this award
4.Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer


Okay, so here are the questions that I was asked and my answers :)

1. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging as I had just finished uni and found that I had a lot of spare time whilst I was searching for full time work. I always tend to be going somewhere or buying new things and I thought hm why not make a hobby out of it!

2. What would you like to be doing in 5 years time?

Well hopefully by that time I will have moved out, possibly married and maybe thinking of children. In reference to blogging hopefully I will still be doing this and I can take everyone on the journey with me.

3. What are your fears?

A very common fear of spiders & something a bit more personal, a fear of losing my loved ones :(

4. If you had to choose between make up or skin care products, what would you choose?

100% make up, I don't really tend to use that many skin care products as I always think soap and flannel are still the best idea for your skin.

5. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?

The highlands in Scotland, you really can't beat Scotland especially if you're a fan of nature and woodlands like myself.

6. Tell us 5 facts about yourself that you haven't said about yourself before.

  • My partner who I started dating a year and a bit ago I have been best friends with for 7 years 
  • My cat is called Luna and she is just amazing
  • I own a Nissan Micra car which is called Winifred
  • I am obsessed with All Time Low
  • I went to university at Wolverhampton
7. What advice would you give to new bloggers?

Be yourself. Don't follow others, be different and have fun with it, never take blogging too seriously. You need to enjoy it!

8. Who are your role models?

My mum :)

9. What is the next big decision you need to make? 

Where I am going to take my career/ where I want to live.

10. What is your favourite animal and why?

Obvs cats!! And I don't really know why I just have loved felines ever since I was small!

11. What do you feel most proud of? 

Finishing university, they were 3 hard years and I am glad that I achieved my goal.

Here are my 11 questions for you!

1. How would you describe your blogging style?
2. What do you do in your spare time?
3. How much time do you spend blogging?
4. Who was your first style icon?
5. Is blogging a hobby or profession?
6. Do you 'theme' your Instagram?
7. What if your perfect pizza?
8. What type of music do you listen to? 
9. What cheers you up?
10. What did you do for your latest birthday?
11. If you could choose to be any age what age would it be?


Leonni's Little Blog -

Travel Bear -

Zillah Beauty - 

Alys George - 

Holly On A Blog - 

Help Im Hungry - 

Jessica G Blogs - 

Jades Place -

Charlotte Sam OX - 

Soph Chennell - 

Life With Han 99 - 

- Laura xo

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