Sunday, 14 August 2022


Back To It

Well after an extremely long hiatus I am back. I cannot believe I haven't blogged since 2019. So much has happened in the last couple of years. I got married, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we got a new kitten called Lola and we sold our first home and bought a new property.

I'll be sure to do a brief blog on our wedding day and share some of the pictures but for now I just wanted to share why I left the blogging world for a short time. 

To be honest, it was a number of things, the wedding was fast approaching in February of 2020 and so  that took precedent and I didn't have the spare time like I used to. Secondly the pandemic hit and although you may think 'well surely you had time then', unfortunately I work in the NHS and so we carried on as normal (well a weird normal!). So yeah, it got a bit busy, then in 2021 as it was starting to calm down slightly we decided to sell or first home in the mist of the property market being through the roof and we sold in 6 days! However, we moved then back in with my folks for 5 months as we searched for our new home and unfortunately at this point the property market actually dipped and the housing market was scarce. But, luckily enough the property we eventually bought came back on the market after the other person was not able to secure a mortgage. We are now coming up to a year in our Welsh home and we couldn't be happier. Poorer due to renovations but I'll talk about that in another blog and take you on that journey!

So yes, after all this and having my laptop kindly fixed by my friends husband I am back to the blogging game. The main purpose of this will be to just express myself like many others and keep a log of everything that is happening in my life whether that be with the house or general life achievements... and of course purchases here and there (believe me I am still addicted to buying stuff like never before especially for the house). 

Ciao for now,

Laura x

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