Sunday, 7 January 2018

I'm Ready For You 2018

So everyone, where did 2017 go? I can still remember last January when I had only just created this blog and everything was all so different. I'm going to start by wishing you all a happy new year and I hope that it brings you everything that you want. Remember work hard, but play harder guys. 

Today's post is going to be about my new year resolutions and goals and how hopefully I will keep on track with encouraging myself to achieve these.

First off a planner is essential, I had a mid year academic diary I bought last year which I'm carrying with me into this new year. However, just a notepad that you can jot things down in is just as good. Plus with jotters you can make them your own and DIY them to create your own diary. I'm hoping to plan each week in advance, put important dates in, when I'm going to the gym, etc, etc. This way I will be able to keep my social life, work and blogging in check! (Well that's the idea anyway)

My resolutions/ goals are simple: 


This is hopefully going to be my year in a nutshell as I am saving at the moment for a house, trying to progress/build my career and as most of us are, tone up! 

Useful ways that I am hoping will help in encouraging myself to keep to these resolutions are little reminders in my room, on my phone and at work of my goals. Having constant reminders of what your working towards I feel helps to keep your head in the game (not to quote HSM or anything :P)

I hope you guys enjoyed this short little post on what I'm hoping for in the new year. 

Have you guys created any new years resolutions? If so, how are you hoping to keep to them? Any tips for the rest of us?

And again... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

-Laura xo

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